Knowledge Room

“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”

We are pleased to spread the light of knowledge and information, through our very own and exclusive in-house compilation- THE KREO NEWSLETTER and THE KREO LIBRARY. The beauty of knowledge is that it has a beginning, but no end. It is our sincere belief that since we have the adequate knowledge, appropriate skill set as well as a customized platform, it is our rightful duty to illuminate our clients as well as readers with the same.

The KNOWLEDGE ROOM is a signature knowledge sharing initiative by TEAM KREO and is fundamentally about making the right knowledge or the right knowledge sources, available to the right people at the right time. The primary objective, here, is to cover the broad news highlights of the few of the major regulatory authorities governing the Indian Economy, more specifically, the Capital Market.

While the NEWSLETTER is a compilation of the highlights from the capital market as well the regulatory authorities, the LIBRARY houses, Kreo’s take (in the form of power point presentations) on various topics relating to the Capital Market and SME Platform.
Hope you find this useful as a reader.

Happy Reading!